I love to help my clients select the perfect artwork, from using technology to help visualize a framed print or canvas in their own home, to selecting the perfect frame that highlights the colours and tones of a painting. I can also organise safe and secure shipment of artwork direct to their door.

Picture Framing Services

To Frame or Not to Frame? That is the Question!

I often get asked this by my clients, and when answering I think it's good to consider a few factors:

  • Does the location of the artwork (a print or canvas) require a frame? For example In living rooms or a drawing room, a frame can really add to the painting. It might look 'bare' without one. There are times when a frame might not be the right aesthetic. For example, an extremely large deep edge canvas in a reception area, or an office may look better without a frame.

  • Frames not only look great, but they perform an important job of protecting a canvas or print. Canvas corners can get easily damaged, and paper prints will get messy very quickly if not framed.

  • Frames can also perform a brilliant role highlighting certain tones in an painting or print - and they can provide a real 'edge' that makes the original artwork really 'pop' and stand out - especially against certain other backgrounds too. A frame can also prevent an artwork blending into a background.

  • I think this is an important consideration when selecting the right frame. How will if look in your house, or workplace? Does it compliment the existing interior design? Does it add to it, and contribute to the overall vibe or 'look' you are going for?

  • Yep, some people just love an unframed canvas! Other insist on a frame.

  • I'm with you Jerry! A lot of artwork can look unfinished without a frame, and a gorgeous frame completes and finishes an artwork.

So, in conclusion, a general rule of thumb, is yes, I think you should try and frame your artwork.

I have excellent contacts in the art industry and work closely with brilliant and experienced framers, so I can help and advice you on the correct frame for your artwork. There are several different frame types and finishes available, so whatever your tastes, interior design or preferences, there will be the perfect frame out there for your artwork. I can manage the whole process, including purchasing and final delivery.

Art Visualization Services

So what is art visualization and why should you consider it?

Art visualization is a relatively new process in the art industry but it can be super helpful for clients when purchasing artwork. Basically, you upload a photograph of a room, or a space, and then through the magic of technology you can upload a painting, even select different types of frames and see (or visualize) what the artwork will look like. Brilliant!

Clients have found it really helpful, as they can 'try before they buy' so to speak. Or when their painting is complete, they can see what the painting looks like in different rooms and with different frames.

One of my clients emailed me pictures of their hallway as they were keen to see what my large framed art prints looked like. I emailed back options, and then they bought the one they loved the most!

Fine Art Shipping Services

Fine Art Shipping

I work with global shipping experts such as PACK & SEND who are industry leaders in domestic and international Fine Art Shipping.

“For over 30 years PACK & SEND has been supplying art shipping services to galleries, collectors, dealers, artists and exhibitions around the world. PACK & SEND’s knowledge, experience and attention to detail will ensure your shipment goes smoothly.”

Once I know your delivery address I can supply a quote, including various packaging and insurance options. If preferred, I can pass on my contact details, if you would prefer to deal direct.

Art Services Contact Form

If you would like to find out more information about any of my art services, please fill out the form, and I’ll be in touch very soon.

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